Conditions that Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can Help to Address:
- Musculoskeletal problems: chronic pain, muscle soreness, back pain, intervertebral disk disease, osteoarthritis, ligamentous or other soft tissue injuries, wobbler’s and degenerative joint disease
- Neurological disorders: seizures, paresis, hind-end weakness, paralysis
- Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, gastric ulcers, vomiting, constipation, megacolon, fecal incontinence, anorexia, inappetence, nausea
- Respiratory disorders: asthma, chronic cough
- Behavioral problems: separation anxiety, thunderstorm or noise phobias
- Dermatologic conditions: atopy, allergic dermatitis, chronic itching/pruritis, chronic recurrent skin infections
- Urogenital conditions: urinary incontinence, chronic recurrent urinary tract infections, bloody urine, renal failure
- Endocrine conditions: Cushing’s disease, hypothyroidism, infertility, hyperthyroidism, improved control of diabetes
- Oncology and Palliative Care:
- Help with quality of life including appetite, energy level, nausea, and pain
- Can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy
- Can be used when western medical options have reached their limits
- When a pet does not tolerate western therapies or a pet parent elects not to pursue western cancer treatments, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used as primary treatment
- Immune-mediated diseases: Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, immune mediated thrombocytopenia