Indications for Laser Therapy

Because of its potent local anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects, like acupuncture, laser therapy is most often used for pain management, specifically chronic pain management and arthritis. There are many other clinical applications for laser therapy including the treatment of soft tissue injuries and skin and ear problems. Quite simply, patients who suffer from any combination of pain, inflammation, or slow-healing wounds benefit from laser therapy. The laser can also be used to stimulate acupuncture and trigger points without using a needle. Because of the stimulation of cell growth and regeneration, laser therapy should not be used to treat cancer.

Laser Therapy can:
  • Treat chronic pain conditions including arthritis, degenerative joint disease, hip dysplasia, and elbow dysplasia
  • Help decrease or eliminate pain medications that are not being well-tolerated (for instance causing elevations in liver enzymes)
  • Promote quality of life by:
    • Providing pain relief
    • Increasing mobility
    • Increasing muscle tone, strength, and endurance
  • Treat soft tissue injuries including sprains, strains, and stiffness
  • Help reduce inflammation in most inflammatory conditions including IBD, cystitis, rhinitis, and pancreatitis
  • Improve performance in working or performance animals by treating exercise induced soreness
  • Relieve post-surgery pain (soft tissue and orthopedic), treat inflammation and bruising, help with rehabilitation as part of a physical therapy plan
  • Help treat skin problems including hot spots, lick granulomas and infections
  • Help treat chronic ear problems including chronic ear infections
  • Be used to stimulate acupuncture points (Laser Acupuncture)
  • Help accelerate wound healing and reduce scar tissue formation
  • Provide palliative care by providing pain relief
  • Provide an additional treatment option for patients whose caretakers elect not to pursue western therapies for any reason

Please click here for a detailed list of conditions that laser therapy can help to address.

About Tranquil Paws

Tranquil Paws Veterinary is a veterinary practice that offers Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Laser Therapy to canine and feline patients. We are based on the upper east side of Manhattan and examine and are able to treat our patients in the comfort of their own homes. We provide veterinary services to the greater New York City metropolitan area.

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